Oil and cold wax

During an artist residency in Wales one day I passed an old slate wall deteriorated by time and weather. There were several layers building up, due to water running over the stones. As I started to paint after that inspiration, I started thinking about what time does – both to nature and to people. As we go through life we too store both good and hard experiences in layers of memory. You only show the outer layer – the surface – but everything you went through is hidden underneath the surface – and bits are peaking through.

Oil and cold wax on wooden boards 3cm deep – edges are painted black or white.

Everywhere I travel I am always ending up with tons of photos of old walls and eroded surfaces. The story they are telling are so inspirering to me. Wish theese old walls could tell their story. In my paintings I try to build up the same history, and often I write words and marks in the layers.

Oil and cold wax on wooden boards 3cm deep – edges painted black or white.

I live with the forrest as my neighbour, and I love walking in the wood. The trees somehow came sneaking in the window manifesting themselve in some my paintings.

Oil and cold wax on wooden boards 3 cm deep – On the small 10x15cm the edges are not painted and the wood is showing.


Please contact me for price or more info. And you are always welcome in my studio if you want to see any of them in real life. But please contact me first on info@dorteboe.dk or on the phone +4528920992.

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Kontakt mig for pris eller mere info. Og du er også altid velkommen i mit atelier, hvis du vil se nogen af malerierne. Kontakt mig for en aftale på info@dorteboe.dk eller på telefon 28920992.

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3 thoughts on “Oil and cold wax

  1. Thank you. Just let me know which painting you are interested in. My mail is info@dorteboe.dk.

  2. Rusty Marks 50×70. Hvad koster det?

    1. Hej
      Tak for din interesse. Det koster 3.400,-.
      Sig til hvis du vil have flere billeder af det eller hvis du vil forbi og se det.
      Det er malet på en træplade med 4cm dybe kanter, og kanterne er malet sorte.

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